Returns Policy
If you wish to return products, you have 14 days from the date that you receive the goods. Products must be unused and in the same condition that they were shipped to you. If items are not in the same condition, we reserve the right to deduct a percentage of the value of the goods based on what is permitted under the Finnish Consumer Protection Act.
When you decide to return products, you must notify us in writing via email ( ). We do not refund the shipping costs associated with the delivery of your package. You are responsible for the return shipping costs unless otherwise agreed.
Restrictions on the right to return are governed by Chapter 6 of the Consumer Protection Act; Games, movies, software or other sealed products do not have a right of return when the product packaging has been opened. Hygiene and intimate products do not have a right of return after the package has been opened because the product cannot be returned for sale due to its nature.